Whether you are just purchasing your first new home, or you have lived in your home for many years, the following tips are beneficial to all homeowners. From improving your energy efficiency to knowing when it is time to replace some home items, we have you covered with tips and tricks, as well as how to detect small problems before they become bigger ones, how to properly maintain your home and its value, and how to save money doing all of that.
Drafty windows and doors
Detecting drafty windows and doors- If you place your hand over the edge of a window or door, you may be able to feel some light breeze. This is a draft. This means that there is extra air moving in and out of your house. Drafts can cause energy efficiency to decrease, which increases your utility bills. As homeowners, energy efficiency can be a huge deal. This can be the difference, between saving money on your utilities each month, or overspending.
When to replace windows and doors– First, if a window or door has sustained damage, replace it to ensure that everything has proper protection. Next, if a window or door has a large draft, you will certainly want to replace it too. Lastly, windows and doors are typically replaced every 15-30 years by homeowners even if they are functioning properly, if your windows or doors are at least 15-30 years old, I would consider calling a professional installer and discussing options with them.
Gutters not working properly
How to know if your gutters are not working properly- Overflowing gutters are a sign of gutters not working, this leads to water falling in areas where it is not meant to. Areas such as into walkways, doors, or landscaping are at risk of unwanted water, rot, mold, or flooding. Preventing water from falling into these areas protects the house and foundation. The water can also just drain right out from ends if the gutters are misaligned or broken.
When to replace gutters- If gutters are broken, warped, or malfunctioning, it is time to replace them. Most replacements for gutters are done around the 15-year mark, even if they are working properly, and sooner if not.
Roof Leaks
How to detect a leak- For most roof leaks, it is easy to spot them. If there is brownish staining on ceilings, paint bubbling or peeling, or active water flowing down, there is a leak.
Resolving leaks- The best practice is to call a professional to inspect your roof and diagnose the problems. From there you can determine whether you need to replace your whole roof, or simply have it repaired. Please note that if you are selling your home, some counties require the roof to have a certain number of years of remaining life. If yours doesn’t, it is better to find out and replace the roof before it becomes a major issue or showstopper during escrow.
Why you should resolve leaks- Acting quickly is important when you discover a new leak. Leaks that are left unattended can cause more problems than ones that are dealt with quickly. Leaks can lead to mold, rotting wood, or even flooding in your house. Our area can get a lot of rain, especially during certain months. Even accumulated snow, when it melts, can leak into your home. In a typical January alone, Fredericksburg roofs accumulate nearly 8 inches of snow.
When to replace siding
How to know when to replace your siding- Siding usually needs to be replaced every 15-30 years. However, replacing siding sooner if there is damage or warping is a must. This can prevent larger issues from coming up that cost much more to fix than a simple siding replacement.
Why should you replace siding- Siding protects your home from the elements. It can even help with keeping utility costs down. Replacing warped or broken siding can prevent moisture from building up between the siding and the house, which leads to mold and rot. Siding also typically improves the home’s exterior appearance and makes it more consistent throughout. Typically, a home with siding requires less exterior maintenance than homes without it. Check your siding periodically to ensure new damage is detected.